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Facelift Surgery in Athens, GA

Board-Certifed Female Plastic Surgeon

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What Is Facelift Surgery?

Cosmetic surgery is about restoring the best version of yourself. Facelift surgery, or rhytidectomy, is designed to reverse the signs of aging, such as sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and loss of facial volume in the mid-to-lower area of the face and neck. It is one of several techniques Avenue Aesthetic has available to restore a more youthful facial appearance that meets your needs.

Dr. Venditto also offers other highly customizable cosmetic procedures to address appearance concerns in the upper face.

Dr. Venditto with Patient for a facial rejuvenation consultation Model

Are You a Candidate for Facelift Surgery?

If you are a healthy man or woman who doesn’t smoke or is willing to quit before the surgery and have some of the following concerns, you may be an excellent candidate for a facelift:

  • Deep Wrinkles Around the Mouth and Nose
  • Loss of Volume in The Midface
  • Sagging Jowls
  • Loose Neck Skin or Banding

To lower the risk of complications and ensure the best possible outcome, you should be willing to comply with our surgeon’s instructions before and after the procedure. You should also have realistic expectations about your results, which are explained during your consultation.

Call 706-363-0256 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Chelsea Venditto to determine your candidacy for facelift surgery. Avenue Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery provides customized facelift procedures in Athens, Georgia, for results that meet your needs.

Dr. Venditto follows strict ABPS standards

What Are the Benefits of Facelift Surgery?

A facelift is the most effective way to turn back the clock on visible signs of facial aging, with some of its benefits including:

  • Corrects sagging facial skin: Facelift surgery lifts and tightens sagging facial skin for firmer, younger-looking facial contours.
  • Remodels underlying facial tissue: Our facelift techniques also recontour fat and muscle under the skin to restore facial volume for naturally youthful results.
  • Reduces facial wrinkles: This procedure smoothes skin by correcting deep wrinkles and skin folds around the mouth, nose, and jowls, revitalizing your appearance.
  • Defines the jawline and neck: Facelift surgery almost always includes a neck lift to provide a harmonious transition by further addressing jowls and tightening loose skin in the neck, resulting in a more defined jawline and a youthful neck contour.

How Is a Facelift Performed?

A thorough consultation with Dr. Venditto will give you a clear understanding of what to expect during and after your surgery. After reviewing your medical history, listening to your concerns, and answering your questions, she will evaluate your face and neck’s structure and skin quality.

Facelift surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure, and while customized, the following basic steps are typically performed:

  • Dr. Venditto makes careful incisions strategically placed to minimize visible scarring.
  • She lifts the skin to access and manipulates facial muscles and tissues to reshape and raise them to a higher, more youthful position.
  • Dr. Venditto stretches and smooths the skin to reduce or eliminate lines and wrinkles.
  • She then removes excess skin and re-drapes it over your new facial contours.
  • The incisions are meticulously closed with sutures using techniques that minimize scarring.

What Is Recovery From a Facelift Like?

Following surgery, you can expect some swelling and bruising, which will gradually subside over the following weeks. Special postoperative care instructions are provided to optimize healing and reduce complication risks and include directions for:

  • Showering
  • Caring for wounds and changing dressings
  • Avoiding strenuous activity
  • Resting, eating a nutritious diet, and staying hydrated
  • When to return for your follow-up appointment

When Will I See My Facelift Results?

While improvements are visible almost immediately, the results of your facelift become more apparent as swelling and bruising continue to diminish.

The final result should be a more rejuvenated, refreshed, and younger-looking face and neck.

While a facelift provides significant and long-lasting rejuvenation, it does not stop the natural aging process. You will continue to age but from a more youthful starting point. Protecting your facial skin from the sun and keeping it well-moisturized adds to the longevity of your results.

View Before & After Photos

What Other Cosmetic Surgeries Are Commonly Combined With a Facelift?

Because facelift surgery addresses the mid-to-lower part of the face, the following procedures are often added for more comprehensive results:

Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty): We all age differently, but when it’s time for a facelift, you may also have issues around your upper and lower eyelids. Blepharoplasty can address droopy eyelids and under-eye bags.

Brow or Forehead Lift: Frown lines or a furrowed brow can make you look angry when you’re not. A brow lift corrects this problem and is another excellent procedure to consider while undergoing a facelift.

What Are the Possible Risks and Complications of Facelift Surgery?

While rare, you may experience temporary numbness at the incision sites. Dr. Venditto uses advanced techniques and meticulous care to minimize scarring from facelift surgery.

While some scarring is unavoidable, these scars are typically well hidden within the hairline or natural ear creases.

Your Athens, GA, Facelift Surgery Expert

Dr. Chelsea Venditto is a well-respected and compassionate board-certified plastic surgeon in Athens, GA, who provides a range of cosmetic procedures, including facelifts.

To learn more about our facial cosmetic surgeries, potential results, and costs, schedule your Athens facelift consultation by calling 706-363-0256.

Get In Touch

489 N Milledge Ave Suite A
Athens, GA 30601

(706) 363-0256

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