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Breast Reduction in Athens, GA

Board-Certifed Female Plastic Surgeon

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Breast Reduction

While many women enjoy having large breasts, others may experience difficulties related to body image as well as back, neck, and shoulder pain. If you have breasts you feel are overly large or heavy, a breast reduction can alleviate discomfort and enhance your quality of life.

Breast reduction, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is designed to address large or burdensome breasts by reducing their size and optimizing their shape. This procedure is often combined with a breast lift to deliver the best results.

Avenue Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery provides customized breast reduction surgery in Athens, Georgia, for results that meet your needs. Breast reduction is one of the most common procedures performed by Dr. Chelsea Venditto. She has distilled her knowledge into a specialized technique that she is proud to offer patients.

Breast Reduction Model

What Are the Benefits of Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction is a popular cosmetic surgery because it offers several advantages, five of which include:

  1. Physical comfort – Relief from chronic neck, shoulder, and back pain, as well as discomfort associated with bra strap grooving.
  2. Improved posture – Reduction in the weight of the breasts can lead to a more upright and comfortable posture.
  3. Enhanced mobility – Smaller and lighter breasts make physical activities and exercise more manageable.
  4. Psychological well-being – Many patients experience increased self-confidence and emotional well-being following the procedure.
  5. Proportionate appearance – Breast reduction can help create a more proportionate and balanced figure that makes styling and clothing choices easier.
  6. Financially convenient – Women are often finally able to buy bras off the shelf instead of being forced into special ordering expensive bras that fit a larger frame.


Schedule a consultation with Dr. Chelsea Venditto to determine if you can benefit from breast reduction surgery by calling 706-363-0256.

Are You a Good Candidate for a Breast Reduction?

If you meet the following criteria, breast reduction surgery might be right for you:

  • You are a healthy non-smoker.
  • You are close to or at your ideal weight.
  • Your breasts cause you to struggle with pain or posture issues.
  • Your breasts seem to get in your way or slow you down.
  • You feel your breasts are distracting or causing you unwanted attention.
  • You do not plan to become pregnant within the near future.

How is Breast Reduction Surgery performed?

During your initial consultation, Dr. Venditto will explain the breast reduction procedure in detail and determine your eligibility based on your medical history and cosmetic goals. While your surgery is tailored to your needs, you can expect the following basic steps to be performed.


The procedure typically begins with the administration of general anesthesia to ensure your comfort during surgery.


Common incisions for breast reduction include:

  • The anchor incision—starts around the areola, extends down the vertical limb of the breast, and continues horizontally under the fold.
  • The keyhole or lollipop incision—is typically used for smaller-breasted women. It starts around the areola and extends down the vertical limb of the breast with no incision in the fold.

Your incisions are made in predetermined locations according to your individualized treatment plan.

Tissue Removal 

Excess breast tissue, fat, and skin are removed, resulting in smaller, lighter breasts.

Breast Reshaping

The remaining breast tissue is reshaped to create a pleasing contour based on your preferences.  As opposed to using old techniques that preserve tissue at the bottom of the breast, Dr. Venditto uses an advanced technique in breast reduction that preserves tissue in the upper and inner cleavage area of the breast. This results in beautiful restoration of upper pole fullness often lost due to the gravitational pull on the heavy breast tissue.

Nipple Repositioning

Dr Venditto will discuss the preferred areolar size as part of your customized breast reduction plan. In many cases, the nipple and areola are repositioned to align with the new breast shape.

Incision Closure

The incisions are meticulously closed with multiple layers of absorbable sutures, and surgical dressings are applied.

You will wake up in the recovery area wearing a special supportive bra to aid recovery.

What Is Recovery From Breast Reduction Surgery Like?

After surgery, you will be closely monitored to ensure a safe and comfortable transition from anesthesia. In some cases, drain tubes may be placed to collect excess fluid, which are usually removed within a week.

You will be provided post-surgical care instructions, including wound care and directions for wearing your surgical bra or compression garment, which aids healing and reduces swelling.

Physical activities must be avoided for several weeks, with a gradual return to normal activities based on your surgeon’s guidance.

What to Expect for Your Breast Reduction Results

You should experience relief from the physical discomfort associated with large breasts soon after surgery, and the appearance of your new breasts will continue to improve over the next several months as swelling and bruising subsides.

While some scarring is inevitable, these scars generally fade significantly over time and blend well with the surrounding skin while you enjoy a more balanced, proportionate, and feminine breast contour.

Increased self-confidence and improved emotional well-being are often reported after breast reduction surgery.

View Before & After Photos

Your Athens, Georgia, Breast Reduction Specialist

By reducing the size and weight of the breasts, women with large breasts can experience relief from pain, improved posture, and a renewed sense of self-confidence.

If you are experiencing issues because of the large size of your breasts, call Avenue Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery in Athens to schedule your breast reduction consultation.

Get In Touch

489 N Milledge Ave Suite A
Athens, GA 30601

(706) 363-0256

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