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Thigh Lift Surgery in Athens, GA

Board-Certifed Female Plastic Surgeon

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Thigh Lift Surgery

With summer approaching, many want their bodies to look their best. Thigh lift surgery, or thighplasty, is a cosmetic procedure designed to reshape and contour the thighs by removing excess skin and fat. Whether due to aging, significant weight loss, or genetics, sagging skin and stubborn fat in the thighs can be a source of insecurity and dissatisfaction for many individuals.

If you share similar concerns, this surgery can be a path to achieving smoother, firmer, more toned thighs and increased confidence in your overall appearance and sense of self.

Breast Augmentation Model

What Is a Thigh Lift?

A surgical procedure that targets the inner and outer thighs, thigh lift surgery addresses excess skin and fat deposits in these areas. Excess skin and fat are removed during the procedure, and the remaining tissue is tightened and lifted to create a more contoured and proportionate appearance.

Thigh lift surgery can be performed as a standalone procedure or combined with other body contouring surgeries, such as liposuction or a lower body lift, to achieve comprehensive results.

Are You a Candidate for Thigh Lift Surgery?

Ideal candidates for thigh lift surgery are individuals who:

  • Have excess skin and fat deposits in the thigh area that do not respond to diet and exercise
  • Are in good overall health and at a stable weight
  • Have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure
  • Are non-smokers or willing to quit smoking before and after surgery

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Chelsea Venditto to determine your candidacy for a thigh lift procedure. Call Avenue Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery in Athens, Georgia, at 706-363-0256.

What Benefits Does Thigh Lift Surgery Provide?

Thigh lift surgery offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Smoother, firmer, and more toned thighs
  • Improved body contour and proportion
  • Enhanced self-confidence and body image
  • Clothes fit better and more comfortably
  • Relief from chafing and irritation caused by excess skin

How is a Thigh Lift Performed?

Thigh lift surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia and usually takes two to four hours to complete. More time may be needed if additional surgeries are performed simultaneously.

  • Incision placement: Dr. Venditto will begin by making incisions that extend from the groin area downward along the inner thigh or around the top of the thigh to the buttock crease.
  • Tissue excision: Excess skin and fat are removed while the remaining tissues are lifted and tightened to create smoother, more appealing contours.
  • Closure: The incisions are then closed with sutures, and dressings or compression garments are applied to protect the incisions and support the healing process.
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Combining Thigh Lift Surgery With Other Procedures

Other body contouring procedures can be combined with thigh lift surgery to achieve comprehensive results. Common surgeries that may be combined include:

  • Liposuction: To remove excess fat deposits and further sculpt the thighs
  • Lower body lift: To address excess skin and fat in the abdomen, hips, and buttocks
  • Tummy tuck surgery: To tighten and flatten the abdomen, particularly in cases of significant weight loss or pregnancy
  • Arm lift surgery: Arm lift surgery is designed to reshape the upper arms by eliminating excess droopy skin and fat for a smoother, more toned overall appearance.

What Can You Expect From Your Thigh Lift Surgery Results?

You can expect to see slimmer, more youthful upper leg contours immediately following your procedure. However, it will take another six to ten weeks for the swelling to subside and your results to become final.

With proper care and maintenance, the results of thigh lift surgery are long-lasting, providing slimmer, more toned legs for many years to come.

What Is Recovery From a Thigh Lift Like?

Recovery from thigh lift surgery varies from patient to patient but generally involves some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treated area.

Patients are typically advised to take at least one to two weeks off from work while avoiding strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and exercise for several weeks.

Compression garments may be worn to support the healing process and minimize swelling. Most patients can return to normal activities within four to six weeks, although full recovery may take two or more months.

What Are Possible Risks and Complications of Thigh Lift Surgery?

Although rare, as with any surgical procedure, thigh lift surgery carries some risks and potential complications, including bleeding, blood clots, infection, changes in sensation, and asymmetry.

Following Dr. Venditto’s instructions before and after surgery can significantly reduce these risks.

How Much Does a Thigh Lift Cost?

The cost of thigh lift surgery varies depending on the patient’s anatomy, the extent of the correction needed, and any other procedure(s) performed. You will receive a detailed cost estimate after your consultation.


Your Athens, Georgia, Thigh Lift Expert

Thigh lift surgery offers rewarding and long-lasting benefits by improving your upper leg contours, enhancing your confidence, and increasing your clothing options. This surgery provides an effective solution for almost anyone seeking to achieve sleek, toned thighs.

If you’re ready for new and improved thigh contours, call 706-363-0256 to schedule a consultation with our reputable, board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Chelsea Venditto, and explore your thigh lift options in Athens, GA.

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489 N Milledge Ave Suite A
Athens, GA 30601

(706) 363-0256

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