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Arm Lift Surgery in Athens, GA

Board-Certifed Female Plastic Surgeon

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What Is Arm Lift Surgery?

Many individuals experience loose upper arm skin and fatty deposits that can make them self-conscious about wearing anything but long sleeves, especially following significant weight loss or, at times, as a result of aging. Arm lift surgery is an effective and fast solution to address these issues, allowing those bothered by drooping arm skin and fat to wear sleeveless clothing and other fashionable styles showcasing bare arms without worry.

Dr. Chelsea Venditto offers arm lift surgery in Athens, Georgia.

Arm lift surgery, also called brachioplasty, is a transformative procedure that addresses sagging skin and excess fat in the upper arms. Whether you’re seeking to achieve smoother contours, eliminate “bat wings,” or enhance your confidence in sleeveless attire, arm lift surgery offers the best solution to sculpt the upper arms for a more sleek and toned appearance.

If patients have other cosmetic concerns in the body, breasts, and face, Dr. Venditto also offers other personalized cosmetic procedures to address these.


What Are the Benefits of Arm Lift Surgery?

Those who are dealing with fatty or saggy upper arms know all too well how distressing this can be. Even if the rest of the body is in decent shape, bat wings can ruin a good look. Brachioplasty provides several benefits, including:

  • Improved arm contour: Arm lift surgery can reshape and contour the upper arms, eliminating excess skin and fat to create a more toned and smoother overall appearance.
  • Boosted confidence: Achieving firmer, more youthful-looking arms can improve self-confidence and body image, allowing individuals to feel more comfortable wearing sleeveless clothing.
  • Increased mobility: Removing excess skin and tissue from the upper arms can improve range of motion and mobility, allowing for greater ease of movement and physical activity.
  • Clothing versatility: With slimmer, smoother arms, individuals can enjoy greater freedom in their clothing choices, including outfits that reveal their arms, such as sleeveless tops and dresses.

Are You a Candidate for Arm Lift Surgery?

Individuals who are struggling with loose, sagging skin on the upper arms due to aging, weight loss, or genetics may be ideal candidates for arm lift surgery if they:

  • Don’t smoke or agree to quit weeks before and after surgery
  • Are in generally good health and do not have a medical condition that may interfere with their recovery
  • Have maintained a stable weight, have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the procedure, and are willing and able to comply with our surgeon’s pre and post-procedure instructions
Dr. Chelsea Venditto

Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon in Athens, GA

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Chelsea Venditto to determine your candidacy for brachioplasty by calling Avenue Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery in Athens, Georgia, at 706-363-0256.

How Is Arm Lift Surgery Performed?

A thorough consultation with Dr. Venditto is the first step to regaining youthful arm contours. She will listen to the cosmetic concerns you have about your arms and any other areas you want to address. After carefully reviewing your medical history and asking about your medications, she will examine your arms and explain the best approach to achieve your goals.

Arm lift surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure to ensure patient comfort and safety. Once you are in a deep sleep, the following steps are performed.

  • Incision placement: Dr. Venditto will make incisions strategically along the inner or back side of the upper arms to minimize visible scarring. The length and location of the incisions will depend on the extent of correction needed and individual anatomy.
  • Tissue excision: Excess skin and fat are surgically excised from the upper arms, and the underlying tissues are tightened and repositioned to create natural-looking but firmer contours.
  • Closure: Once the desired reshaping is achieved, the incisions are meticulously closed with sutures, and excess skin is trimmed away. The surgical site is then bandaged, and a compression garment may be applied to minimize swelling and support healing.

What Is Recovery From an Arm Lift Like?

After your procedure, you will wake up in a comfortable recovery area, where Dr. Venditto will ensure that you are ready to be discharged.

  • Initial Healing: Following arm lift surgery, you will likely experience swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort in the upper arms. Prescribed pain medication and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicines can help alleviate any pain, and you will be advised to keep your arms elevated to reduce swelling.
  • Activity Restrictions: Avoid strenuous activities and lifting for several weeks after surgery to allow proper healing. Engage in light walking and gentle movements to promote circulation and reduce your risk of blood clots.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: Attend your follow-up appointments with Dr. Venditto so she can monitor your progress, remove sutures, and address potential concerns or questions.

Following Dr. Venditto’s postoperative instructions is vital to ensuring a smooth recovery and achieving ideal results. These instructions include guidance for:

  • Resting, drinking plenty of liquids, and eating a balanced diet
  • Changing dressings and caring for wounds
  • Showering
  • When to return for follow-up appointments
  • Avoiding demanding physical activities

When Will I See My Arm Lift Surgery Results?

Expect to see noticeable improvements in arm contours immediately after your arm lift. However, the final results will become more apparent as swelling subsides and the tissues fully settle into their new shape.

With proper care and maintenance, the results of arm lift surgery are long-lasting, providing patients with slimmer, more toned arms for many years.

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What Other Cosmetic Surgeries Are Commonly Combined With Arm Lift Surgery?

Arm lift surgery can be combined with other body contouring procedures to achieve comprehensive enhancement and address multiple areas of concern. Common combination surgeries include:

  • Liposuction: A liposuction procedure may be performed with arm lift surgery to remove excess fat deposits and further refine arm contours.
  • Breast Lift Surgery: For individuals seeking overall body rejuvenation, a breast lift can be combined with arm lift surgery to address sagging breast tissue and achieve a more youthful appearance.
  • Thigh Lift Surgery: A thigh lift can be performed alongside arm lift surgery to address excess skin and fat in the thighs and achieve a more balanced body contour.

What Are the Possible Risks and Complications of Arm Lift Surgery?

As with other body contouring procedures, patients are trading slight scars for improved contours. Additionally, like all surgical procedures, there is some risk of bleeding, infection, or wound healing issues; however, arm lift surgery is generally straightforward. You can significantly reduce these risks by following Dr. Venditto’s instructions before and after surgery.

Your Athens, GA, Arm Lift EXPERT

With its ability to improve arm contour, enhance confidence, and increase clothing versatility, arm lift surgery can provide lasting benefits for those looking to achieve their aesthetic goals. Arm lift surgery offers an excellent solution for individuals seeking to sculpt sleek, toned arms by eliminating excess skin and fat in the upper arms.

If you’re ready to say goodbye to “bat wings” and hello to beautifully contoured arms, call 706-363-0256 to schedule a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Chelsea Venditto, and explore your options for arm lift surgery in Athens.

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489 N Milledge Ave Suite A
Athens, GA 30601

(706) 363-0256

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