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Breast Lift in Athens, GA

Board-Certifed Female Plastic Surgeon

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What Is Mastopexy (Breast Lift)?

Breast ptosis, or sagging, can occur due to various factors, like age, weight loss, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and gravity itself. Whatever your reason for seeking breast lift surgery, this procedure can restore a youthful upper-body contour. Breast lift surgery (mastopexy) addresses concerns related to loss of volume, firmness, and the appearance of breast tissue and skin.

Breast Lift Model

Benefits of Breast Lift Surgery

Mastopexy offers several benefits, extending beyond aesthetic improvements:

  1. Enhanced breast contour: The primary objective of mastopexy is to restore a more youthful and lifted breast contour, enhancing overall aesthetics
  2. Improved nipple position: Mastopexy repositions the nipples to a higher level, creating a more natural and youthful appearance.
  3. Breast implant-free: Breast lift surgery requires no implants, so no periodic imaging is needed.
  4. Increased clothing options: With lifted and rejuvenated breasts, individuals often find that clothing fits better and can confidently explore a broader range of styles.
  5. Boosted confidence: Reclaiming a firmer, uplifted breast appearance can positively impact self-esteem and body confidence.


Schedule a consultation with Dr. Chelsea Venditto to determine if you can benefit from breast lift surgery by calling 706-363-0256.

Are You a Good Candidate for Mastopexy?

Mastopexy is suitable for individuals who experience sagging breasts and desire a rejuvenated, lifted upper-body contour. Ideal candidates typically possess the following characteristics:

  • Are experiencing breast sagging: Candidates often have mild to severe breast sagging and ptosis, a condition in which nipples descend below the natural breast crease.
  • Are at a stable weight: Individuals considering mastopexy should be at a stable and healthy weight, as significant weight fluctuations can affect the longevity of results.
  • Are non-smokers: Patients undergoing any surgical procedure should not smoke or use nicotine as it interferes with healing and increases the risk of complications.
  • Have realistic expectations: Good candidates have realistic expectations about the outcomes of mastopexy and understand that the procedure focuses on lifting and shaping rather than significantly altering breast size.

A comprehensive consultation with Dr. Venditto is the best way to learn everything you want about breast lift surgery in Athens, Georgia. Avenue Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery uses advanced techniques and technologies to improve both the youthfulness of your breasts and your self-confidence.

How Breast Lift Surgery Works

Understanding the procedural steps involved in mastopexy provides insight into how your surgeon can tailor the surgery to meet your individual needs:

Consultation and Planning

The journey begins with a thorough consultation, during which the surgeon assesses the patient’s breast anatomy, discusses goals, and develops a personalized surgical plan.


Mastopexy is typically performed under general anesthesia to ensure your comfort and safety throughout the procedure.

Incision Placement

Our surgeon may choose from various incision patterns, including around the areola, vertically down to the breast crease (lollipop), and horizontally along the crease (anchor). Dr. Venditto selects the pattern depending on the extent of correction needed.

Tissue Reshaping

Excess skin is removed, and underlying breast tissue is reshaped to create a firmer and younger-looking appearance.

Nipple Repositioning

The surgeon moves the nipples and areolas higher on the breast to restore their previous youthful position.

Closing the Incisions

Once the necessary adjustments are made, incisions are meticulously closed with sutures for a shapelier and uplifted upper-body silhouette.

Recovery After Breast Lift Surgery

Understanding the recovery phase after mastopexy and what to expect can make your breast lift experience an even more positive one.

You will receive specific postoperative care instructions regarding dressing changes, managing pain, and limiting activity.

Swelling and bruising are common in the initial days after your breast lift. These subside, usually after one to three weeks, to gradually reveal your results.

Supportive bras or compression garments are often recommended to minimize swelling and provide necessary support during the initial healing phase.

Dr. Venditto may recommend short, gentle walks to start and will advise you when to resume your regular routine. She will clear you for more strenuous exercises and lifting when you are ready, usually in a few weeks.

Regular follow-up appointments with Dr. Venditto allow her to monitor your healing and address any concerns to help ensure your optimal outcomes.

When Will I See My Breast Lift Results?

Breast lift surgery is among the highest-rated cosmetic surgeries among patients. Your initial mastopexy results will be visible soon after the procedure, and as swelling and bruising disappear, your final outcome will become more evident.

Breast lift surgery results can last many years. However, significant weight fluctuations and lifestyle habits can affect the longevity of your mastopexy.

View Before & After Photos

Our Athens, Georgia, Breast Lift Specialist

If your breasts have been affected by pregnancy, breastfeeding, major weight changes, lifestyle factors, aging, or genetics, let Dr. Venditto help you achieve perkier, younger-looking breasts in Athens while prioritizing your safety and results. Call 706-363-0256 today to schedule your consultation.

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489 N Milledge Ave Suite A
Athens, GA 30601

(706) 363-0256

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